Indigenous Australia in the Anthropocene
ed. by Dany Adone, Bentley James, and Anna Gosebrink
This special issue covers three areas: Indigenous Knowledges, Colonial Plunder/Looting and Contemporary Repatriation as well as Questions of Justice. The contributions include articles, short interviews and testimonies by Indigenous Elders. These testimonies “hold within them knowledges while simultaneously signifying relationships” and are seen as key in the intergenerational transmission of knowledge. They also reflect Indigenous ‘ways of knowing’, thus promoting an appreciation for alternate views and modes of communication.
––– from the Editorial

Dany Adone, Bentley James, Anna Gosebrink: Indigenous Australia in the
Indigenous Knowledges
Bentley James, Glenn James, Dany Adone: Two-way Tools, Fire on Country
Dany Adone, Thomas Batchelor: Interview with Glenn James on Indigenous
Engagement in Fire Management
Anne Pattel-Gray: Tiddas Residence
Doris Yethun Burarrwaŋa: Keeping YSL Alive
Duane W. Hamache: Recognising Indigenous Knowledge when Naming
Meteorite Craters
Colonial Plunder/Looting and Contemporary Repatriation
Gareth Knapman: Looting on the Frontier
Michael Pickering: Considering Cultural Processes and Rights in Repatriation
Elizabeth McNiven: In Cold-Blood
Questions of Justice
Ghil’ad Zuckermann: Revivalistics
Dany Adone: Interview with Anne Pattel-Gray on the Referendum
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